While I noticed some improvements, what I would have to say about 'The mystery of the wet erase photo bottle.' boils down to what I wrote in my review for 'How castles were built.' ( https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/966853 ). It's 'flawed, but interesting'.
I will not deny that more people will watch your submissions if you animate them - even if you do so on your current level. But you are a good narrator and also rather good at either 'finding interesting things to talk about' or 'making things interesting' - maybe a bit of both.
While I am fully aware that you aren't made out of time, I'd like to encourage you think about the options Newgrounds offers you:
- Look at a few tutorials. Maybe some of the ones I collected in the past will be helpful to you ( https://www.newgrounds.com/collection/330234/guides-tutorials-other-help ).
- Ask other animators over in the 'Animation' sub-forum ( https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/forum/17 ) for specific pointers what aspects of animation to look into next.
- Consider focusing on the vocal part of your works and give the Audio Portal a chance.
- Consider collaborating with a more experienced animator.
You can look for collaborators by using Newgrounds' Collab system:
Or you could browse the 'Voice Acting' sub-forum:
You are not alone here. Take advantage of that. ;)