"I'm so glad we're friends, Nana."
– Nanao Nakajima, Talentless Nana (2020), (E01: Talentless)
Hey there.
I'll be a lot less talkative after the upcoming New Year. I'll try to cram in a few News Posts until then. 3 of them being:
#1) My Top 13 anime recommendations from the space year 2024. [Done.]
You may ask: "Why 13?"
To which I retort: "Why 10? Or 5? I don't need to impress anyone."
(Spoilers: Ranma ½ (2024) will not be on the list. I wasn't into Ranma ½ when it first came out and Netflix has become too eager to burn money they are given with projects that are obviously trash...)
#2) The second part of my Frequently Given Replies.
#3) Some really boring, janitorial index page so people can easier navigate through all of my crap-- I mean: Useful advice - with more text than just a single link describing it.
Although I don't expect noticeable feedback, I'd also like to try my hand at one or two posts with audience participation:
#4) A News Post about whatever you think would be interesting for more users than just yourself. I'm asking for audience participation (AKA PMs) in this particular case, because: What I see as easily accessible and widespread information might be something that others hadn't even conceived of as being public information.
I will pick the best suggestion(s?) for this. And because it would be hard for me to judge who actually had a good idea there I'll be picking from the ideas that sound halfway feasible to me in order of actual voting power (base value plus B/P-bonus). I don't want to make this a dick-measuring contest, but unlike account age, voting power is an actual expression of "How much time did the user spent getting to know NG." It's a flawed system, but its hard to manipulate and it ensures that nobody from my block-list just commits multi-abuse to try and get a bunch of crap ideas in.
#5) And maybe another News Post with lighthearted questions, to celebrate... What little time we have left on this planet. I will not do an AMA-style. Actual personal stuff is taboo and I won't do your homework. I have not fend off previous attempts to "interview" me, just to cave in now. There won't be a comment section for that one. You can send me your questions from now until the 18th of December (maybe to be extended to the 25th, but don't bet on it).
Spellchecking mandatory. You can send in longer questions, but don't write an essay. That's what I am here for. ;)
Now a few short words on the comment section: Use PMs instead.
This might feel draconian, inconvenient or less fun, but it makes it way more convenient for me to mass-delete contributions from spammers and other unwanted individuals and y'all can use formatting - if you like.
Put "[Post Topic]" or "[Question]" in front of the PM-titles respectively, so I'll know the context. (You would not believe how many users contact me, without providing any context for what they are talking about addressing something I said or did weeks ago.)
The Age rating for the audience participation-posts will be "Not E" and that I all I can say for now.
If there's not enough acceptable or interesting questions, I'll discard that idea again. Please do not expect a personal reply to those PMs. You'll know if you were picked when/if it comes out.
I already know that I bit off more than I can chew (for reference: This very post was scheduled for Thursday), so the actual execution for all of this might take until the end of January or something. (I regret this already...)
Oh, and something not entirely unrelated: It has recently come to my attention that my efforts to help artists (and restraint to not strangle people just because they says something that appears stupid to me) have not gone unnoticed. That's very sweet of y'all, but... But no! If you vote for me in the BBS Awards as having been the "most helpful" this year, I'll come after you. I'm warning you... Your votes will be publicly visible! "I have a hammer..."
You can find my reasons here, but I am very aware that not everybody voting will read that post, so I mentioned it here as well. Go vote for users such as @Pingu or @Skoops - to just name my personal favorites. We have some great "helpers" on NG. They deserve this way more than I do - and certainly more than AlexToolStudio...
And finally: Just so nobody who bookmarks this News Post panics later: Once all that aforementioned writing is dealt with, this News Post will very likely be deleted because it will have served its purpose. I see far too many un-curated News sections on NG and right now I can see no value in archiving this publicly.
So long and thank you for your time.
If you did not read all of that, I'm not thinking less of you. ;)
Addendum 2024-12-17: For the one or two people who will read this: I don't feel like logging into NG anymore. I have made plenty of notes for the Frequently Given Replies [#002] in the past weeks but no more motivation to edit them into something publishable.
Addendum 2025-01-27: To make good on past promises I will keep the FAQ #002 & the boring, janitorial index in my schedule. But it may be a few more months. I also have a promise to a certain Moderator to uphold.